YouTube and Adverts

I don’t think it’s just me, but I feel sure that adverts on YouTube have become a lot more intrusive than they used to be. These days, I rarely manage to complete watching a YouTube post without adverts, both long and short formats, frequently interrupting the flow.

YouTube also keep trying to push me to subscribe to their YouTube Premium service, but since this costs €11.99 per month – well, I’m damned if I’m going to pay that much. I’ll just continue to curse YouTube and their adverts.

Today, however, I noticed something interesting: they’ve introduced a “YouTube Premium Lite” tier for €6.99 per month. This does not include the YouTube Music service or the ability to download content for offline viewing, so it seems to be aimed specifically at providing an Ad-free experience.

Apparently, Google are testing the waters here; Premium Lite is only available in a handful of European countries.

Well, it is certainly cheaper than Premium, and I am primarily interested in an Ad-free experience, so is it worth it to me?

I pay WordPress €30 per annum to keep my blog Ad-free for my readers. That, I think is acceptable, and all my readers experience this for free. To ask every consumer almost three times that amount to experience an Ad-free YouTube does seem to be pushing things a bit far. I suspect I’ll just continue cursing Google, YouTube and their intrusive adverts.

About Geoff Coupe

I'm a British citizen, although I have lived and worked in the Netherlands since 1983. I came here on a three year assignment, but fell in love with the country, and one Dutchman in particular, and so have stayed here ever since. On the 13th December 2006 I also became a Dutch citizen.
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5 Responses to YouTube and Adverts

  1. David L says:

    AdBlock seems to be able to prevent me seeing ads in YT videos.

  2. Ludwig says: been staying away from YouTube altogether. I also pay WordPress for ad-free sites, three of them, and I have moved several others to paid-hosting just to relieve my few viewers from the evermore annoying and disgusting ads. A few years back, WordPress managed just fine, and grew, with just a few, small, decent ads. Now greed seems to have taken over everywhere.

  3. Pingback: Pulling The Plug on Premium Lite | Geoff Coupe's Blog

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