
With the news that Iraq has passed a bill making same-sex relations punishable by jail sentences of up to 15 years, it reminded me that jail sentences would have been applicable to me in the UK not so very long ago, and certainly in the Isle of Man where I grew up and entered adulthood.

The 1961 film Victim was very probably influential in leading to a change in British law in 1967. Same-sex relations were not decriminalised in the Isle of Man until 1992.

Matt Baume gives an excellent exposition on how courageous and influential the makers and actors of that film were.

About Geoff Coupe

I'm a British citizen, although I have lived and worked in the Netherlands since 1983. I came here on a three year assignment, but fell in love with the country, and one Dutchman in particular, and so have stayed here ever since. On the 13th December 2006 I also became a Dutch citizen.
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